Vol. XVII Issue 24   Official Newsletter of the USS Charles S. Sperry DD 697   April 2009



Message from the President




It has been a fast year. The old saying “time waits for no one” is so true. The reunion is fast approaching.


I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Colorado Springs. Our attendance is down from previous years, but it maybe due to the economy.  However, we will have a wonderful time rekindling old friendships and building new ones. 


If you know of a shipmate that has not joined please encourage them become part of this outstanding association.


Please have a safe trip and we will see you soon.




Cal Dyk






Colorado Springs...
Here we come!






U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. – The U.S. Air Force Academy Band was named the top military concert band in the Department of Defense. The John Philip Sousa Foundation awarded the Colonel George S. Howard Citation of Musical Excellence for Military Concert Bands to the Academy Band and its commander, Lt. Col. Larry H. Lang. This international award is the highest honor that any military concert band can receive. All applicants are required to meet very specific and rigorous eligibility criteria resulting in a very competitive process. “The committee fully recognizes that this organization reflects the highest core values of the United States Air Force through excellence of all content requirements. The U.S. Air Force Academy Band is to be commended for its outstanding work for not only the United States Air Force, but the United States military,” said retired Col. Lowell E. Graham, chairman of the Citation of Musical Excellence Committee of The John Philip Sousa Foundation.



Treasurer’s Report:   April 2009 Issue


No report at this time.  An updated report will be in the July issue.





Meals fit for a King & Queen



The association still has cookbooks for sale.  Remember they make great gifts.


REMINDER:  A non-refundable deposit of $10 per day for pets under 50 pounds will be charged.  Also, Airport shuttle is available for $5.


For the nature lovers RV camping is available at the KOA Campground in Colorado Springs.



For your convenience, a membership application is available on this web site for paying dues and new members.  If you have not joined, please fill out the enclosed form and mail to Barbara Jennings, Secretary.





If you have not sent a photo to the Web Master, Gary Chesser, please bring them to the reunion or contact the Webmaster to make arrangements for sending them.  Photos can be emailed or mailed on a CD or hard copy.  If you can remember the details of the photo, please include as much information as you can. Name(s), dates, location, and occasion will be very helpful.  Hard copy photos will be returned.  Be sure to provide Gary with your name and return address.







Blair & Alma Rougeux sadly will not be at this year’s reunion.  Alma is slowly recovering from a stroke.  She would love to receive a note or card from you.  Blair is getting around with a cane.  He is not ready to run a marathon but he is able to get out of his wheelchair some.  They send a big “Texas hello” to everyone,


Jess & Loretta Mayberry send greeting but will be at a family function this year.  They are doing well.


John & Clara Higby will not be able to attend.  John is a little under the weather and they plan on seeing us in 2010. 


Jerry & Sarah Smith has a family function they will be attending.  They send their best to everyone.


Several new shipmates have joined the association and will be attending the reunion.  It will be interesting to see who can identify who. 


“The Power of One”


One song can spark a moment.             One step must start each journey.

One flower can wake the dream.            One word must start each prayer.

One tree can start a forest.                              One hope will raise our spirits.

One bird can herald spring.                    One touch can show you care.


One smile begins a friendship.               One voice can speak with wisdom.

One handclasp lifts a soul.                     One heart can know what’s true.

One star can guide a ship at sea.           One life can make a difference,

One word can frame the goal.                You see, IT’S UP TO YOU!


One vote can change a nation.                                  Author Unknown

One sunbeam lights a room.

One candle wipes out darkness.

One laugh will conquer gloom.


President                                                                         Vice President                                                                    

Calvin Dyk                                                                       B. W. Jennings

Hudsonville, MI                                                                 Deer Park, TX


Secretary                                                                         Treasurer                                                         

Barbara Jennings                                                           Blair Rougeux                                  

Deer Park, TX                                                                   North Richland Hills, TX


Please tell others about our website:  http://usscharlesssperrydd697com.