The SixGun
























Vol. XVIII Issue 25   Official Newsletter of the USS Charles S. Sperry DD 697  July 2009



Hello from the President:


Thank you to everyone at the reunion.  Each year it gets better.  We were excited to have six new members attend.  First timers were Menzo Sullivan, Dick Burr, Robert Davis, Ronald Smith, Charlie Winter and Barry Barker.


Colorado Springs provided us with beautiful weather and endless sites to see.  The Air Force Academy and Garden of the Gods were exceptional.


We were blessed to have two captains join us this year, Capt. John Holmes and Capt. Murland Searight.


Before you know it we will be celebrating the 20th Anniversary Reunion of the USS Charles S. Sperry DD 697 Association. Mark your calendars for April 22-25, 2010.


Have a blessed and healthy year.


Calvin Dyk




I  N  S  I  D  E

Hello From the President        1            Special Notice                       4

Memories of Colorado Sprgs   2           Standing Rat Watch                5

We Remember                      3           Special Thanks                        5

Treasurers Report                  3           Officers                                  6

Crews News                          4           Picture Is Worth 1000 Words    7

Shop Till You Drop                4           Picture is Worth 1000 Words    8















Memories of Colorado Springs – 2009


Chapel 0310 8x10Air Force Academy Chapel

Many shipmates arrived

early to take advantage of the

beautiful weather and sites.


John and Edie Loewen were on

hand to greet many of the attendees

as they checked in.  Everyone

pitched in to help get the
Hospitality Room up and running.


Thursday found everyone relaxing and catching up on the past year.  It was wonderful having six first time attendees.  They shared what a good time they had and look forward to next year’s reunion.


On Friday, attendees toured the Air Force Academy Chapel and Garden of the Gods.  Those on the tour raved about the wonderful luncheon that was served.


Saturday found everyone wondering where the time had gone.  It was the last day filled with laughter and the general business meeting, election of new officers, and the choosing of the 2010 reunion site.  The banquet on Saturday night was outstanding.


Officers elected to serve for the coming year are President, Calvin Dyk, Vice President, B. W. Jennings, Treasurer, Blair Rougeux, and Secretary, Barbara Jennings.  Officers

were installed at the banquet by Capt. Murland Searight.  At the Executive Board Meeting,  Barbara was appointed as 2011 Reunion Coordinator.  A huge thank you to Rose Quehl, Vera Quehl, and Linda Friedrick for doing an outstanding job of getting the deli trays set up for the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday lunches in the Hospitality Room.


Special thanks to Ely Wolf, Kenny and Margie Edwards grandson.  Ely did an outstanding job of drawing door prize tickets Saturday night after the banquet.  Thank you Ely, and we hope you join us next April.




          Bernard Wilt

          Robert Deisner

Section 34












Shipmates Wilt and Deisner sailed through life’s cruises meeting their share of calms, storms, adverse tides and favoring winds.   Their ship of life has now come to its final anchorage in a harbor unknown to mortal man.


We who remain do not know the course to steer and we believe our shipmates, setting their course by those beacons that were given to them, have found their harbor safely.


To those loved ones who our departed shipmates have left behind awaiting their own day of departure and voyage to that same harbor of eternal mercy, we can only offer our sincere condolences in this time of separation and loneliness.




Treasurer’s Report:


Treasurer Blair Rougeux reported that as of June 8, 2008 the account balance for the USS Charles S. Sperry DD 697 Association is $7,088.25.


An audit of the association finances will be done in the near future and a report will be mailed to all members.








Crews News:




Ernest and Billie Psenick reported they are doing well.  Ernest is on oxygen 24 hours a day.  They send their best wishes to everyone.

Lee Barnes and Dot are doing well.  They hope to make the next reunion and said to tell everyone hello.

Gert Deisner is doing well at this time.  She misses Bob very much.  She said to tell everyone she has such fond memories of the reunions she and Bob attended.

New member Barry Barker was able to attend the Colorado Springs reunion, and advised that he wishes to find two of his former shipmates, Joe Kalanta and Peter Trabant.  If anyone knows them, please contact Barry.

Walt Beattie advised us that he hopes the next reunion would be on the East Coast, and guess what – it will be.

Dick Biondo informed us that he could not attend the 2009 reunion but hopes to make the next one.  Also we received a note from Roy (Leroy) Bowman with the same message.

New member Casey Case was all set to attend the Colorado Springs reunion, but had to cancel at the last minute.   Hope to see you at the next one, Casey!

Tom & Dot Hill advised that they could not attend the 2009 reunion because it coincided with a family reunion in Florida.   They plan to be at the next one.

George Olson sent greetings from his home across the pond in Thailand.  He does a lot of traveling, so his SIXGUN Newsletter is sent to him via e-mail.

Charlie & Judy Winter was able to attend this year’s reunion since it is much closer to their home in Wyoming than other reunions.

Jess & Loretta Mayberry is doing well.  Jess will be having tests on his shoulder June 30.  They will be spending the Fourth of July with Roy and Audrey Wilhite.  Roy will be barbequing.



Shop till you drop!


Please visit the ship’s store on the website to order the following items:

Caps, jackets (lined or unlined in sizes L, XL, 2XL, and 3XL), Sperry license plate covers, Sperry cookbooks, and pad folio with calculators.






Plans have been made to publish a new history book of the USS CHARLES S. SPERRY (DD-697) in the fall of 2009.   This new book will contain information from the first history book plus additional information we have received since the publication of the previous book.     WE HAVE SET A DEADLINE OF AUGUST 1, 2009 FOR RECEIPT OF NEW MATERIAL. PLEASE SEND US YOUR STORIES, PHOTOS, CARTOONS AND ANECDOTES SO THEY CAN BE INCLUDED IN THE NEW BOOK.  Mail your contribution to B. W. Jennings, 2018 Concord, Deer Park, TX 77536 or email to





Standing Rat Watch

Submitted by: Fred Hilberer

by Dennis Hammer, CR Division 1968-70

A new man reported on board just fresh out of boot camp to one of the deck divisions. I was told it was First Division.
A First Class Boatswain's Mate put him on rat guard watch. He had him on the Quarterdeck standing at parade rest with a 2X4 when Captain Fischer came on board.

The sailor on rat guard watch came to attention or port arms with the 2X4. Captain Fischer walked over to him and asked, "What are you doing sailor?"
"I am standing a rat guard watch, sir" came the reply.

"Well, what are your duties on the rat guard watch?" Captain Fischer inquired.
"If any rats attempt to come up the forward brow I am to pursue and try to kill them, sir."
"Who put you on this watch?" the captain asked.
"A First Class Boatswain Mate in my division" he replied.
Then Captain Fischer said, "I want you to go down and tell the boatswain I want to see him."
"I can't leave my post until properly relieved, sir."
Captain Fischer took the 2X4 from him and said, "You are properly relieved, now go get im."
A short time later the boatswain arrived on the Quarterdeck and finds Captain Fischer with the 2X4 standing at parade rest. The captain then comes to port arms, and hands the 2X4 to the boatswain and says, "You have the next watch!"





If you have paid your dues and have not received your membership card I apologize.  Please contact me HERE or 281-479-4844. I’ll mail immediately.




President                                                                        Vice President

Calvin Dyk                                                                       B. W. Jennings

2597 Hope St.                                                                   2018 Concord

Hudsonville, MI 49426-9308                                             Deer Park, TX 77536

616-669-9785                                                                    281-479-4844


Secretary                                                                         Treasurer

Barbara Jennings                                                           Blair Rougeux

2018 Concord                                                                   7832 Standley St.

Deer Park, TX 77536                                                        North Richland Hills, TX 76180-7050

281.479.4844                                                                    817.281.8765





Gary Chesser, Webmaster:  A special thanks for the few that brought pictures of their times aboard the Sperry.  I am still working on developing the pages for the photos.  Merdick Burr’s well preserved book of the 1961 Mediterranean and Middle East Cruise will be a great addition to the website.  Please contact me if you have other cruise books, pictures, or items of interest that you would like to share with our website visitors.




Appointed Position: Webmaster for http://usscharlesssperrydd697com

Gary Chesser                         

1407 Old Hwy 12

Starkville, MS 39579

Email: HERE