Volume XXII, Issue 29   Official Newsletter of the USS Charles S. Sperry DD 697 Association                 July 2010



President's Message:


               I am looking forward to serving as President for the year 2010-11. 


               One of the first things the officers want to accomplish this year is to recruit new members.  I have reviewed the roster which includes the names of many former shipmates who are not active members of our association at the present time.   I also checked the names of former Sperry crewmen that are shown on the Tin Can Sailors Shipmate Registry, many of whom have not joined our association.  I have asked Vice President Jess Mayberry to assist in developing a program for recruiting those shipmates who are not members of the Sperry association.  Contacts will be made by e-mail, regular mail, telephone calls or personal contacts.  Our goal is 20 new members this year.


               Each of the shipmates contacted will be encouraged to join the association and become eligible to attend the annual reunions where they will meet former Sperry shipmates,  make new acquaintances, display souvenirs, photos and other memorabilia.   They will also receive the SIX GUN newsletter and may submit stories, photos, and/or cartoons for the newsletter.  Along with the newsletter, we will provide a notice for each shipmate to submit for publication in the Public Service Announcement section of their local newspaper.


               Another step we need to take is to stay in contact with members after they join the association.  Too often, a shipmate puts his name on the roster, then fails to stay active for various reasons, and we lose track.   We want our members to keep in contact so they don't feel they are forgotten.


               We will keep members informed of our progress in recruiting.   Let us know if you have any suggestions.




Bob Jennings

Past President's Message:

Dear Shipmates,

 Fran and I were unable to attend the reunion in Charleston due to conditions beyond our control. We made it as far as Columbia, S.C. and had to head back home because of health issues with Fran. She was having a very elevated and irregular heartbeat.

 After many tests she was diagnosed with acid reflux which can have very similar symptoms as a heart attack. With the proper medications the condition is under control.  Fran and I thank all of you for your concerns and prayers for her health.

 As past president I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and encouragement the past two years. I ask that you continue to support the new board and I encourage you if you have any ideas to make their job easier please share those ideas with them.  The board needs our support now more than ever to make the association stronger and run smoother. We have a great association and with new ideas and cooperation we can make it better than ever.


May all of you experience good health in the coming year.


Best regards,



Treasurer's Report:

We are in the process of auditing the financial records.  We will publish the results when the audit is completed.

Attendees began arriving early for the fun and festivities.  Everyone was excited to reconnect.  Funny how fast a year can pass.   It was great having six new members attend this year.  They were Robert Logan, Robert Dykes, David Ripley, Ron LaPlaca, Michael Wallace, and Harry Strobel.  It was great meeting the first timers.

All who took the tour of the USS Yorktown had a good time.  It was unfortunate that the a tour of the USS Laffey DD 724 was not possible.  The ship had been repaired and for security reasons no one was allowed aboard. 

The General Business Meeting was held and officers were elected. The banquet was outstanding as always.  Shipmates were presented with a memory book put together by Barbara Jennings in honor of the 20th anniversary of the association.  Widows Audrey Wilhite, Ruth Mueller and Adaria Smith were presented with a red rose in memory of Roy Wilhite, Roger Mueller and Adaria Smith by Jennings.  After the banquet, the Two Bell Ceremony, Capt. Murland Searight installed the newly elected officers.  Attendees eagerly moved back to the hospitality room for the auction and door prizes.   A huge thank you goes to Charlie Quehl for stepping up and overseeing the reunion in the absence of Blair Rouguex.  Charlie proved how talented he is by serving as the auctioneer this year.  Excitement ran out in the room as numbers were called for door prizes.  

The evening was capped off with shipmates visiting and remembering the "good ole days" and making plans to meet in Annapolis next April.



          At the Executive Board Meeting in Charleston, officers made the decision that in order to insure that rosters, membership data base and association records be maintained more accurately all information must be sent to the secretary in the future. This includes dues, membership applications and any changes you may have information for the "Crew's News" as well as reunion registration forms.



Crew's News:


Tyson Bordelon (47-51) is under the weather and would love to hear from you.  Correspondence can be mailed to him at 406 Chickasaw, West Monroe, LA  71291, or you can call  318-387-6660.


William Smaleck (48-50) has had knee surgery and is getting around slowly.  His wife Elaine had heart valve and by-pass surgery on June 23. Bill reported Elaine was doing great.  His knees were not so great. They would love to hear from you.  Their address is 1140 NW 85th Ave., Plantation, FL 3322.


Roy Pruitt  (44-46) is hanging in and hopes to be at the reunion in Annapolis in 2011.


Frank D. Sullivan (54-56) called to say that while he was aboard the Sperry he was a member of the fleet basketball team that played against several military teams, including Navy, Marines, and Air Force all along the East Coast.  In 1955 the team won the championship.  He also stated that a nice plaque was given to team members.  He would like to hear from Sperry crewmen who were aboard at the time if they know about the plaque and its location.  His phone is 301-422-3508; address is 2005 Ravenswood St., West Hyattsville, MD 20782.

Gone But Not Forgotten


Ned Benham


          Shipmate Benham sailed through life meeting his share of calms, storms, adverse tides, and favoring winds.  His ship of life has now come to its final anchorage in a harbor unknown to mortal man.


            We who remain do not know the course to steer and we believe our shipmates setting their course by those beacons that were given to them have found his harbor safely.


            To those loved ones who our departed shipmates have left behind, awaiting their own day of departure and voyage to that same harbor of eternal mercy, we can offer our sincere condolences in this time of separation and loneliness.


Save the date

April 28 - May 1, 2011










Welcome to Annapolis!

Whether you come for the history, the education, the water, or the hospitality, there is always something to enjoy in Annapolis. Experience the colonial capital city, known since its earliest days as the "Athens of America," where one could find a wealth of cultural activities, a glittering social season, gracious hospitality and intellectual stimulation.

Host hotel is the DoubleTree Hotel.


Ship Clock was won by Mary Ann Barrows

50/50 - Won by first time attendee, David Ripley in the amount of $83.50


Surprise Package was won by Charlie Meyers

Metal Weather Vane was won by Bernie Donegan


The Surprise Package in the auction was won by

Bernie Donegan for $700



The Path to a Dream

(or the road to success)


The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices

and lined with determination.

And though it has many stumbling blocks

along the way

And many go in more than one direction,

it is marked with faith.

It is traveled by belief and courage,

persistence and hard work.

It is conquered with a willingness

to face challenges and take chances,

to fail and to try again and again.

Along the way, you may have to confront

doubts, setbacks, and unfairness.

But when the path comes to an end,

you will find that there is no greater joy

than making your dream come true.


---Barbara Cage





B. W. Jennings

2018 Concord

Deer Park, TX 77536



Vice President

Jess Mayberry

132 Granite Way                                                                                             

Wentzville, MO 63385




Gary Chesser

1407 Old Hwy. 12

Starkville, MS 39759





Barbara Jennings

2018 Concord

Deer Park, TX 77536



  Appointed Positions


Web Master


Gary Chesser

1407 Old Hwy. 12

Starkville, MS 39759





                                                                                                                                                                     Roy Welch

1 44 Triple R Lane

Crossville, TN 38571


No Email


WEBSITE ADDRESS: http//usscharlessperrydd697.com